“Thank You, Mr. Falker” is a children’s book written by Patricia Polacco. The story revolves around a young girl named Trisha who struggles with dyslexia and is unable to read. However, with the help of her dedicated teacher, Mr. Falker, she learns to read and gains confidence in herself. The book explores themes of perseverance, the importance of supportive teachers, and the impact of learning difficulties on children. This teacher’s guide provides discussion questions, activities, and resources to help educators teach the book effectively and promote literacy in their classrooms.
This ready-to-use unit of study for Thank You, Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco includes:
- Before, During & After Questioning prompts
- Graphic organizers
- Reading comprehension
- Extended response
- Script writing & acting
- Fun activities to do during independent reading time
- Research dyslexia
- Writing letters, specifically Thank You letter
- Bulletin Board ideas
Digital resources included.
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