“James and the Giant Peach” is a classic children’s novel written by Roald Dahl. The story follows a young orphan boy named James who embarks on a wild adventure with his insect friends inside a magical giant peach. This teacher’s guide includes activities that encourage students to analyze the characters and themes of the book, such as discussing the concept of friendship, exploring the symbolism of the giant peach, and conducting a creative writing exercise based on the story. Additionally, the guide suggests ways to engage students in critical thinking and creativity through group discussions, artistic projects, and research assignments related to the book.
This is a 125 page, ready to use, novel unit of study for James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl.
James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl is about a young orphan boy who enters a gigantic, magical peach, and has a wild adventure with 7 magically altered garden bugs he meets.
This all inclusive, no prep, 125 page comprehensive novel unit study consists of:
. Anticipation Guide to use at beginning and end of novel study
. Vocabulary work
. Reading comprehension and extensions by chapter
. Graphic organizers to aid in summarizing
. Higher level thinking writing prompts which can be used for assessments
. Figurative language connection using similes, metaphors, idioms, personification
. compare novel to movie
. Extension activities which include creative projects, persuasive writing and recipe exploration
. Bulletin board suggestions
This unit can be used to coincide with read aloud of chapters as well as individual reading assignments/homework.
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