Erandi’s Braids by Antonio Hernandez Madrigal is a captivating story that transports readers into the world of a young indigenous girl named Erandi. Set in a rural Mexican village, the tale beautifully explores themes of tradition, courage, and self-expression. Erandi’s braids hold a special significance, representing her cultural identity and ancestral heritage. Through engaging activities, this reading unit invites students to delve into Erandi’s journey, fostering their understanding of diversity, empathy, and the power of personal narratives. From unraveling Erandi’s inner strength to creating their own braided crafts, students will be inspired to celebrate their own cultural backgrounds while appreciating the rich tapestry of stories that connect us all.
This 32 page ready-to-use ELA resources and activities unit is to be used along with Erandi’s Braids by Antonio Hernandez Madrigal. It is a fictional story about a little girl in the Tarascan Tribe who fears that because of financial stress her mother will make her cut her braids and sell them to the hair merchants for money.
Unit includes:
. Spanish language vocabulary
. Vocabulary work
. Character traits/change/text-to-self connections
. Story retelling/graphic organizers
. Comprehension questions
. Writing prompts/assessments
. Extension activities for Social Studies (learn about Mexico)
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