The Earth Day Scavenger Hunt Challenge allows students to move around the classroom while reading passages and answering questions. The activity is structured as a cake bake-off where students determine the missing ingredients of a recipe. You can use the Earth Day activity as an introduction or review activity. The Earth Day activity is designed so that students must visit each of the 14 Ingredient Cards and piece together the recipe to win the great cake bake-off! Each Ingredient Card contains a short reading passage about the topic, a multiple-choice question and a clue. Students will get “clues” for which Ingredient Card they should visit next. No more boring worksheets!
This Earth Day activity can be used as task cards, SCOOT activities, scavenger hunts, anticipatory sets, unit review, sub plans, stations, partner work, enrichment, early finishers or independent work. You can hang the Ingredient Cards on the wall, throw them on the floor, place them on desks, hide them or pass them amongst students. How you choose to set it up in your classroom is up to you.
Topics include: Earth Day, global awareness, recycling, and the environment
✏️ 14 Ingredient Cards with a Short Reading Passage
✏️ 14 Multiple Choice Questions relating to the Reading Passage
✏️ Student Recording Sheet
Hey there, I’m Lisa! I’m a curriculum developer, educator, blogger, restless dreamer, and world traveler. I’m also a side-hustling teacher with big dreams! My mission is to help busy teacher mamas go from anxious to confident, and from unnoticed to unstoppable. I love creating one-of-a-kind learning activities for reluctant learners. I truly believe the key to motivated students is challenging, interactive activities with a twist of fun!
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