
Coping Skills Coloring Sheets for Elementary

By: Stress Less with Susan


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Use these twelve calming strategies coloring sheets in your calm corner, to supplement SEL activities, or just for fun. Just print and go. Print size is standard letter size, landscape orientation.

Your kids will enjoy chilling while they color the engaging graphics depicting:

  • Yoga: Four common poses
  • Mindfulness: Sitting quietly and being mindful of the present moment
  • Exercise: On the swing set, jump roping, jumping jacks
  • Fresh Air: On the swing set, enjoying nature, watching clouds, blowing bubbles
  • Music: Playing instruments or listening with headphones
  • Cuddles: with pets or stuffed animals
  • Creating: coloring, drawing, building
  • Quiet time: resting, thinking pleasant thoughts, reading
  • Deep breathing
  • Counting to ten
  • Prayer
  • Bouncing on a ball or blowing bubbles


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Stress Less with Susan

Calming skills coloring sheets
Coping Skills Coloring Sheets for Elementary