guest post devotional by Nicole boyd

mothers in the bible verses: part 2

Mothers in the bible verses: part 1 // This is a four-part study by Nicole from Wonderfully Fashioned - Join us on Faith-Filled Fridays!

Mothers in the bible verses is a four-part study written by Nicole Boyd. Nicole is the owner of Wonderfully Fashioned, a handmade jewelry brand featuring tattered lace and wire-wrapped gems. She wants to be a voice for women all over the world, stating that her pieces are simply physical reminders of the treasure God created you to be. Nicole gives a portion of each sale to Exodus Cry, an organization working hard to fight human trafficking all over the world. Take a few minutes to get to know her over on Instagram and let her know how much you loved this study!

mothers in the bible verses

Hannah, Samuel’s Mother

Let Desperation Lead You to God
1 Samuel 1:1-8

Hannah” name meaning: “favor” or “grace”

I have always been fascinated by First and Second Samuel. A couple of years ago I started really digging into the story of Hannah, and the birth of Samuel, and found some pretty amazing things.

There were a few things that jumped out to me as I studied these first few verses of chapter one. First of all, this story seems to have some similarities to Leah and Rachel. There were two wives who were the favorites of their husband, Rachel and Hannah, but neither of them could have children. Then there were the other wives, Leah and Peninnah, both of them were either unloved but each of them were able to have children.

It makes me wonder if Hannah was Elkanah’s first wife, but after years of not being able to conceive, did her husband take a second wife so he could have children? 

If that was the case, it must have been a huge blow. And on top of it, Peninnah made her life a living hell. She constantly mocked the fact that Hannah was not able to have children. Peninnah’s mocking pushed Hannah into desperation.

But instead of lashing out at her adversary, she hit her knees and ran to God in prayer. 

In verse six it says that the Lord had closed her womb. I thought that was interesting. Why would God do that?

Couldn’t He see that Hannah was miserable? Sometimes we don’t understand why God allows things to happen that seem cruel or unjust. But as we will see later, God had a plan to move Hannah to the place he needed her to be in order to accomplish His purpose. 

Is there a situation or circumstance that you are walking through that seems unfair? What if God is positioning you to receive a blessing? How does that perspective change how you react to the situation you are in?

Your Response is EVERYTHING
1 Samuel 1:9-18

I love how Hannah responded to Eli. If it were me, I probably would have stalked off madder than a hornet.

“How dare he accuse me of being drunk when I am praying in desperation to God!”

But instead of getting offended, Hannah responded in humility. I have to think that, because of her righteous response, God’s heart was moved. 

Then Eli blessed her and sent her on her way and she was no longer sad. She chose to trust God’s word and wait for her promise with hope. 

Is there something you’ve been asking God for that you have been discouraged about? Maybe it’s something to do with your children and family or a dream that God has placed in your heart. Take a few minutes to pray and ask God what He says about it. 

Are you enjoying Mothers in the Bible Verses by Nicole? Click here to follow her on Instagram and let her know!

Dedicating Our Children to the Lord
1 Samuel 1:19-28

“Samuel” name meaning: “God heard” 

In the commentaries I have read, it said that women nursed for about three years. I can’t imagine taking my son, who is three right now, and giving him to a church to be raised there.

But Hannah was true to her vow and gave Samuel to Eli so he could serve the Lord in the temple. That’s pretty amazing to me! 

I believe that we are called to give our children to the Lord. Perhaps you dedicated your children after they were born in a ceremony at church. It’s a common practice among Christians and is a beautiful way to say, “Thank you, God, for my baby. I’m committing to raise them up in the way they should go and pray that they will serve you all the days of their lives.” 

Did you dedicate your kids when they were young? What are some things that you prayed over your kids that day? 

Mothers in the bible verses: part 1 // This is a four-part study by Nicole from Wonderfully Fashioned - Join us on Faith-Filled Fridays!

My Weapon is a Melody
Samuel 2: 1-11

In places, it seems that Hannah is almost talking to Peninnah, telling her not to be so proud and boastful. Even though it took a long time, Hannah eventually had five children! The Lord heard her cry, and brought Peninnah’s words to naught. 

The enemy tries to do the same thing to us: he uses lies to discourage us, to steal our identity, and keep us from doing what God has called us to do.

How do we respond? We praise!

Did you know that the musicians used to go in front of the army when Israel marched into battle? They were preparing the way for victory. In the same way, our praise is a powerful weapon! 

| Related: Read more blogs from Nicole!

I love the popular worship song, “Raise a Hallelujah” by Jonathan David Hesler. I encourage you to listen to the song today, I know it will bless you!

What can you praise God for today?

Here I am…
Samuel 3

I love this picture of how God revealed Himself to Samuel for the first time. Teaching our children to hear God’s voice is so paramount to help them develop their own relationship with God. 

I grew up in a Christian home and gave my heart to God when I was four years old. I was baptized in water when I was eight and also started speaking in tongues around the same time. But it wasn’t until I was eleven that I made a conscious decision to follow Jesus.

I have three younger siblings and we were all sitting in my parents’ bedroom one night, praying before we went to bed as we did every night. I felt Holy Spirit so strongly as we prayed, and I began to cry. I told Jesus that I would follow Him for the rest of my life, no matter what happened. 

It wasn’t earth-shattering and there was no earthquake as I prayed. We were simply praying before we went to bed, and God met me when I least expected it.

Teaching our children to hear God’s voice is as simple as praying before bed or reading a devotional. It’s as simple as having a thought pop into your mind, knowing that God is speaking through His still, small voice. 

When did you first hear God’s voice? How does he speak to you? What are you doing to teach your children how to hear God’s voice? 

Mothers in the Bible Verses: Part 2

Faith-Filled Friday is a series of devotionals and bible studies to help us connect with one another and with the Lord. Create Your Homeschool is a space to encourage and support you as a homeschool mama, and Jesus is the best thing you can do for, or invite into, your homeschool. Come back each Friday for more or sign up for our emails below and never miss anything we share on the blog! And as always, if you have questions or want to chat more, you can email us or head to the DMs on Instagram!

[ @createyourhomeschool ]

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