fidgety homeschool kids

Ideas for fidgety homeschool kids

I love looking for new ideas for fidgety homeschool kids because I was a fidgety homeschool kid. I didn’t like to sit still for long amounts of time, I would doodle all over my school work, I would get up and down frequently (I was homeschooled in the time when homeschooling was only done at the table haha). I’m sure it was frustrating to my mom. But I can’t help but think that if there had been other ideas for helping fidgety kids not be so fidgety that maybe we would have gotten more work done with less frustration.

I like to use my experience as a homeschooler in our homeschool now because…

I believe I can learn a lot from the way I was homeschooled in comparison to the way I want to homeschool our family.

Ideas for fidgety homeschool kids // Try these ideas next time you've got a fidgety homeschooler - They're sure to help both them and you!

Regardless of if you are a second generation homeschooler or not, you can glean good ideas from other homeschoolers, and learn to watch for the things that aren’t so good too – so that you’re not falling into the same trap.

The main idea to remember is that two homeschools should never look the same. They are made up of different families and learning styles and kids! When you compare your homeschool to another’s and try to do the same things they do, that’s when frustration happens as a homeschool mama and the fear of failure or not being good enough starts creeping in.

Stay in your lane and your homeschool will thrive!

| Related: 10 things I didn’t know about homeschooling (from a second-gen homeschooler!)

Okay, let’s dive into this list of ideas to try when you’ve got a fidgety homeschool kid 🙂

Let them get up.
Homeschool does not have to be strict. Use the freedom and flexibility of homeschool for frequent brain breaks and the option to get up as needed.

Don’t underestimate the power of slime when you need someone to sit still and listen.

Take a walk.
Do something to let them get their energy out and come back to homeschool later.

Create a sensory basket.
Fill a basket with things like fidget cubes, silly putty, dice, rubber bands, and Koosh balls. Leave it on the homeschool table or a shelf and bring it out when you need it!

Ditch the desk.
Again, homeschool is flexible! Let them lay on the floor, sit on the couch, lay on the bed. Or let them work outside! As long as they’re learning and doing their best, that’s all that matters!

What ideas have you tried and work well with your fidgety homeschool kids? Share them in the comment section 🙂

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