Wait a minute… Before we go any further… I think I need to barf.
Have you ever done something SO outside of your comfort zone that you physically felt like you were having an out-of-body experience?
That’s me, right now.
I published my first YouTube video (for this blog) this morning and I literally want to crawl into a hole. #Justkeepingitreal

I know, I know.. I GET IT! I’m the “BOLD mama”, I don’t get scared. LOL! First, I’m sincerely sorry if I put off that persona in any way. Y’all, I get scared. I still want to throw up every time I put myself out there. I still make up excuses when something I need to do for my business puts me outside of my comfort zone.
And if you struggle with the same, it’s probably why you aren’t getting anywhere either.
We’ve got to stop shaming people for living a bold life, putting themselves out there, and building their dream. BECAUSE we do this (and don’t even think about saying you don’t – we all have…) our subconscious thinks other people are doing it to us and THAT is the root of why we’re becoming more and more timid in business, especially as women!
But that’s another video, for another day.
Today, I’m laying it all out there. I’m sharing where I’ve been, what’s in store for the future of Live Bold Mama, and I’m being SUPER vulnerable about my TRUE feelings of building something MORE for my family.
I hope you’ll check it out. And I really hope that you’ll be encouraged by it. Don’t look at it wishing you could “be bold like me” – use it as the catalyst to share your own video. You’ve got this mama.