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Earth Day | Free Unit Study

This is a free unit study all about Earth day! We get to learn all about the planet we get to call home. This free five-week study, that includes exciting books, fun activities, and yummy recipes to try, helps you and your kids grasp why we celebrate Earth!

In the unit study, you’ll find five weeks worth of ideas. These ideas are all planned out for you to keep things as simple as possible! There’s a suggested book, activity, and recipe for each day, as well! But you are welcome to change up any part of the unit according to what books and materials you have on hand.

Earth Day | Free Homeschool Unit Study // This is a free unit study all about Earth day! We get to learn all about the planet we get to call home. This free five-week study, that includes exciting books, fun activities, and yummy recipes to try,  helps you and your kids grasp why we celebrate Earth! 

In the unit study, you'll find five weeks worth of ideas. These ideas are all planned out for you to keep things as simple as possible! There's a suggested book, activity, and recipe for each day, as well! But you are welcome to change up any part of the unit according to what books and materials you have on hand. 

Click through to read more about downloading the free homeschool unit study for Earth Day! :)

Unit Study Overview

The flow of the unit study walks you through a big picture overview of our planet. During week one, we will learn about our land, the ins and outs of the planet, the elements of our world that make it unique, and touch on how to keep our planet healthy!

In week two, we get to dive into the science of our planet. Things like energy, saving water, and keeping our planet clean! These topics are the main focus points for this section in the unit study!

Weeks three and four are heavily focused on the importance of recycling. As well as, the meaning of Earth Day and why we celebrate it. Plus, a little about how to take care of it!

| Related: 102 homeschool activities to do INSTEAD of worksheets

And lastly, week five of the helps us learn exactly what we can do individually to help keep our planet a beautiful place to live!

Earth Day | Free Homeschool Unit Study // This is a free unit study all about Earth day! We get to learn all about the planet we get to call home. This free five-week study, that includes exciting books, fun activities, and yummy recipes to try,  helps you and your kids grasp why we celebrate Earth! 

In the unit study, you'll find five weeks worth of ideas. These ideas are all planned out for you to keep things as simple as possible! There's a suggested book, activity, and recipe for each day, as well! But you are welcome to change up any part of the unit according to what books and materials you have on hand. 

Click through to read more about downloading the free homeschool unit study for Earth Day! :)

Unit study ideas + experiments

There are ideas and experiments and extra resources packed into every bit of this study! Including a dedicated Pinterest Board organized into weekly sections!

Whether you are completing this study in April or just want to learn a little more about our planet, it’s a great addition to your homeschool!

You can find this unit study, as well as other lesson plans and resources, in the Create Your Homeschool Resource Library completely free!

If you’d just like to see some activities for Earth Day to include in your current homeschool curriculum, click here to check out the Pinterest Board.

Enjoy! And Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day | Free Homeschool Unit Study // This is a free unit study all about Earth day! We get to learn all about the planet we get to call home. This free five-week study, that includes exciting books, fun activities, and yummy recipes to try,  helps you and your kids grasp why we celebrate Earth! 

In the unit study, you'll find five weeks worth of ideas. These ideas are all planned out for you to keep things as simple as possible! There's a suggested book, activity, and recipe for each day, as well! But you are welcome to change up any part of the unit according to what books and materials you have on hand. 

Click through to read more about downloading the free homeschool unit study for Earth Day! :)

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